tRNA transcription (83 ORFs)YIL075c RPN2 26S proteasome regulatory subunit YGR204w ADE3 C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase (trifunctional enzyme),cytoplasmic YOR061w CKA2 casein kinase II alpha' chain YOR039w CKB2 casein kinase II beta' chain YGL019w CKB1 casein kinase II, beta subunit YIL035c CKA1 casein kinase II, catalytic alpha chain YKL144c RPC25 DNA-direcred RNA polymerase III, 25 KD subunit YOR210w RPB10 DNA-directed polymerase I, II, III 8.3 subunit YOR224c RPB8 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, II, III 16 KD subunit YPR187w RPO26 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, II, III 18 KD subunit YBR154c RPB5 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, II, III 25 KD subunit YPR110c RPC40 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, III 40 KD subunit YNL113w RPC19 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I,III 16 KD subunit YOR207c RET1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 130 KD subunit YOR116c RPO31 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 160 KD subunit YNL151c RPC31 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 31 KD subunit YNR003c RPC34 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 34 KD subunit YDL150w RPC53 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 47 KD subunit YPR190c RPC82 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III, 82 KD subunit YHR143w-a RPC10 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, III 7.7 KD subunit YGL097w SRM1 GDP/GTP exchange factor for GSP1P/GSP2P YMR235c RNA1 GTPase activating protein YMR283c RIT1 initiator tRNA phosphoribosyl-transferase YHR006w STP2 involved in pre-tRNA splicing YLR375w STP3 involved in pre-tRNA splicing and in uptake of branched-chain amino acids YDL048c STP4 involved in pre-tRNA splicing and in uptake of branched-chain amino acids YBR257w POP4 involved in processing of tRNAs and rRNAs YNL282w POP3 involved in processsing of tRNAs and rRNAs YBL013w FMT1 Methionyl-tRNA Transformylase YCR073w-a SOL2 multicopy suppressor of LOS1-1 YNR034w SOL1 multicopy suppressor of LOS1-1 YDR120c TRM1 N2,N2-dimethylguanine tRNA methyltransferase YGL092w NUP145 nuclear pore protein YJL041w NSP1 nuclear pore protein YJR042w NUP85 nuclear pore protein YMR047c NUP116 nuclear pore protein YBR167c POP7 nuclear RNase P subunit YLR430w SEN1 positive effector of tRNA-splicing endonuclease YHR163w SOL3 possible 6-phosphogluconolactonase YAL043c PTA1 pre-tRNA processing protein / PF I subunit YKL205w LOS1 pre-tRNA splicing protein YDR463w STP1 pre-tRNA splicing protein, transcription factor YNL221c POP1 protein component of ribonuclease P and ribonuclease MRP YGL105w ARC1 protein with specific affinity for G4 quadruplex nucleic acids YFL001w DEG1 pseudouridine synthase YNL292w PUS4 pseudouridine synthase YPL212c PUS1 pseudouridine synthase 1 YGL063w PUS2 pseudouridine synthase 2 YDR395w SXM1 putative beta-karyopherin YCL017c NFS1 regulates Iron-Sulfur cluster proteins, cellular Iron uptake, andIron distribution YHR062c RPP1 required for processing of tRNA and 35S rRNA YAL033w POP5 required for processing of tRNAs and rRNAs YBL018c POP8 required for processing of tRNAs and rRNAs YGR030c POP6 required for processing of tRNAs and rRNAs YML091c RPM2 ribonuclease P precursor, mitochondrial YDR381w YRA1 RNA annealing protein YDL051w LHP1 RNA binding protein YIR015w RPR2 RNase P subunit YGR248w SOL4 strong similarity to SOL3P YLR316c TAD3 subunit of tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase YPR186c PZF1 TFIIIA (transcription initiation factor) YGR246c BRF1 TFIIIB subunit, 70 kD YNL039w TFC5 TFIIIB subunit, 90 kD YGR047c TFC4 TFIIIC (transcription initiation factor) subunit, 131 kD YAL001c TFC3 TFIIIC (transcription initiation factor) subunit, 138 kD YOR110w TFC7 TFIIIC (transcription initiation factor) subunit, 55 kDa YDR362c TFC6 TFIIIC (transcription initiation factor) subunit, 91 kD YBR123c TFC1 TFIIIC (transcription initiation factor) subunit, 95 kD YER148w SPT15 the TATA-binding protein TBP YNL062c GCD10 translation initiation factor eIF3 RNA-binding subunit YBL024w NCL1 tRNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase YDL112w TRM3 tRNA (guanosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase YOL102c TPT1 tRNA 2'-phosphotransferase YOR274w MOD5 tRNA isopentenyltransferase YJL087c TRL1 tRNA ligase YER168c CCA1 tRNA nucleotidyltransferase YPL083c SEN54 tRNA splicing endonuclease alpha subunit YLR105c SEN2 tRNA splicing endonuclease beta subunit YMR059w SEN15 tRNA splicing endonuclease delta subunit YAR008w SEN34 tRNA splicing endonuclease gamma subunit YGL243w TAD1 tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase 1 YJL035c TAD2 tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase 2 YLR136c TIS11 tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase 3 Back to MIPS Yeast Functional Categories Page. Back to MIPS Genome Project Page. Back to MIPS Homepage. mail questions/comments to webmaster