
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.97}}
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  author = {Feder, M. and Merhav, N. },
  title = {Hierarchical universal coding},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {42},
  pages = {1354-1364},
  number = {5},
  month = {Sep},
  abstract = {In an earlier paper, we proved a strong version of the redundancy-capacity
	converse theorem of universal coding, stating that for ?most? sources
	in a given class, the universal coding redundancy is essentially
	lower-bounded by the capacity of the channel induced by this class.
	{S}ince this result holds for general classes of sources, it extends
	{R}issanen's (1986) strong converse theorem for parametric families.
	{W}hile our earlier result has established strong optimality only
	for mixture codes weighted by the capacity-achieving prior, our first
	result herein extends this finding to a general prior. {F}or some
	cases our technique also leads to a simplified proof of the above
	mentioned strong converse theorem. {T}he major interest in this paper,
	however, is in extending the theory of universal coding to hierarchical
	structures of classes, where each class may have a different capacity.
	{I}n this setting, one wishes to incur redundancy essentially as
	small as that corresponding to the active class, and not the union
	of classes. {O}ur main result is that the redundancy of a code based
	on a two-stage mixture (first, within each class, and then over the
	classes), is no worse than that of any other code for ?most? sources
	of ?most? classes. {I}f, in addition, the classes can be efficiently
	distinguished by a certain decision rule, then the best attainable
	redundancy is given explicitly by the capacity of the active class
	plus the normalized negative logarithm of the prior probability assigned
	to this class. {T}hese results suggest some interesting guidelines
	as for the choice of the prior. {W}e also discuss some examples with
	a natural hierarchical partition into classes },
  pdf = {../local/Feder1996Hierarchical.pdf},
  file = {Feder1996Hierarchical.pdf:local/Feder1996Hierarchical.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Krichevskiy, R. E.},
  title = {Laplace's law of succession and universal encoding},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {44},
  pages = {296-303},
  number = {1},
  month = {Jan},
  pdf = {../local/Krichevskiy1998Laplace's.pdf},
  file = {Krichevskiy1998Laplace's.pdf:local/Krichevskiy1998Laplace's.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Krichevsky, R. and Trofimov, V. },
  title = {The performance of universal encoding},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {27},
  pages = {199--207},
  number = {2},
  month = {Mar},
  abstract = {Universal coding theory is surveyed from the viewpoint of the interplay
	between delay and redundancy. {T}he price for universality turns
	out to be acceptably small.},
  pdf = {../local/Krichevsky1981performance.pdf},
  file = {Krichevsky1981performance.pdf:local/Krichevsky1981performance.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Merhav, N. and Feder, M. },
  title = {Universal schemes for sequential decision from individual data sequences},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {39},
  pages = {1280-1292},
  number = {4},
  month = {Jul},
  abstract = {Sequential decision algorithms are investigated in relation to a family
	of additive performance criteria for individual data sequences. {S}imple
	universal sequential schemes are known, under certain conditions,
	to approach optimality uniformly as fast as n-1 log n, where n is
	the sample size. {F}or the case of finite-alphabet observations,
	the class of schemes that can be implemented by finite-state machines
	({FSM}s) is studied. {I}t is shown that {M}arkovian machines with
	sufficiently long memory exist, which are asymptotically nearly as
	good as any given deterministic or randomized {FSM} for the purpose
	of sequential decision. {F}or the continuous-valued observation case,
	a useful class of parametric schemes is discussed with special attention
	to the recursive least squares algorithm },
  pdf = {../local/Merhav1993Universal.pdf},
  file = {Merhav1993Universal.pdf:local/Merhav1993Universal.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Merhav, N. and Feder, M. and Gutman, M. },
  title = {Some properties of sequential predictors for binary {M}arkov sources},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {39},
  pages = {887-892},
  number = {3},
  month = {May},
  abstract = {Universal predictions of the next outcome of a binary sequence drawn
	from a {M}arkov source with unknown parameters is considered. {F}or
	a given source, the predictability is defined as the least attainable
	expected fraction of prediction errors. {A} lower bound is derived
	on the maximum rate at which the predictability is asymptotically
	approached uniformly over all sources in the {M}arkov class. {T}his
	bound is achieved by a simple majority predictor. {F}or {B}ernoulli
	sources, bounds on the large deviations performance are investigated.
	{A} lower bound is derived for the probability that the fraction
	of errors will exceed the predictability by a prescribed amount ?>0.
	{T}his bound is achieved by the same predictor if ? is sufficiently
	small },
  pdf = {../local/Merhav1993Some.pdf},
  file = {Merhav1993Some.pdf:local/Merhav1993Some.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Meron, E. and Feder, M.},
  title = {Finite-memory universal prediction of individual sequences},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {50},
  pages = {1506-1523},
  number = {7},
  month = {Jul},
  abstract = {The problem of predicting the next outcome of an individual binary
	sequence under the constraint that the universal predictor has a
	finite memory, is explored. {I}n this analysis, the finite-memory
	universal predictors are either deterministic or random time-invariant
	finite-state ({FS}) machines with {K} states ({K}-state machines).
	{T}he paper provides bounds on the asymptotic achievable regret of
	these constrained universal predictors as a function of {K}, the
	number of their states, for long enough sequences. {T}he specific
	results are as follows. {W}hen the universal predictors are deterministic
	machines, the comparison class consists of constant predictors, and
	prediction is with respect to the 0-1 loss function ({H}amming distance),
	we get tight bounds indicating that the optimal asymptotic regret
	is 1/(2{K}). {I}n that case of {K}-state deterministic universal
	predictors, the constant predictors comparison class, but prediction
	is with respect to the self-information (code length) and the square-error
	loss functions, we show an upper bound on the regret (coding redundancy)
	of {O}({K}/sup -2/3/) and a lower bound of /spl {T}heta/({K}/sup
	-4/5/). {F}or these loss functions, if the predictor is allowed to
	be a random {K}-state machine, i.e., a machine with random state
	transitions, we get a lower bound of /spl {T}heta/(1/{K}) on the
	regret, with a matching upper bound of {O}(1/{K}) for the square-error
	loss, and an upper bound of {O}(log{K}/{K}) {T}hroughout the paper
	for the self-information loss. {I}n addition, we provide results
	for all these loss functions in the case where the comparison class
	consists of all predictors that are order-{L} {M}arkov machines.},
  pdf = {../local/Meron2004Finite-memory.pdf},
  file = {Meron2004Finite-memory.pdf:local/Meron2004Finite-memory.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Rissanen, J. and Langdon, G. Jr. },
  title = {Universal modeling and coding},
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {27},
  pages = {12-23},
  number = {1},
  month = {Jan},
  pdf = {../local/Rissanen1981Universal.pdf},
  file = {Rissanen1981Universal.pdf:local/Rissanen1981Universal.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
  author = {Tjalkens, T.J. and Willems, F.M.J.},
  title = {A universal variable-to-fixed length source code based on {L}awrence's
  journal = {I{EEE} {T}rans. {I}nform. {T}heory},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {38},
  pages = {247-253},
  number = {2},
  month = {Mar},
  abstract = {It is shown that the modified {L}awrence algorithm is universal over
	the class of binary memoryless sources and that the rate converges
	asymptotically optimally fast to the source entropy. {I}t is proven
	that no codes exist that have a better asymptotic performance. {T}he
	asymptotic bounds show that universal variable-to-fixed-length codes
	can have a significantly lower redundancy than universal fixed-to-variable-length
	codes with the same number of codewords},
  pdf = {../local/Tjalkens1992universal.pdf},
  file = {Tjalkens1992universal.pdf:local/Tjalkens1992universal.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {information-theory source-coding},
  owner = {vert}
@comment{{jabref-meta: selector_author:}}
@comment{{jabref-meta: selector_journal:Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.;Am. J. Hu
m. Genet.;Am. J. Pathol.;Ann. Appl. Stat.;Ann. Math. Statist.;Ann. N. 
Y. Acad. Sci.;Ann. Probab.;Ann. Stat.;Artif. Intell. Med.;Bernoulli;Bi
ochim. Biophys. Acta;Bioinformatics;Biometrika;BMC Bioinformatics;Br. 
J. Pharmacol.;Breast Cancer Res.;Cell;Cell. Signal.;Chem. Res. Toxicol
.;Clin. Cancer Res.;Combinator. Probab. Comput.;Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
;Comput. Chem.;Comput. Comm. Rev.;Comput. Stat. Data An.;Curr. Genom.;
Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol.;Curr. Opin. Drug Discov. Devel.;Data Min. Know
l. Discov.;Electron. J. Statist.;Eur. J. Hum. Genet.;FEBS Lett.;Found.
 Comput. Math.;Genome Biol.;IEEE T. Neural Networ.;IEEE T. Pattern. An
al.;IEEE T. Signal. Proces.;IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory;IEEE Trans. Kno
wl. Data Eng.;IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinf.;Int. J. Comput. Vi
sion;Int. J. Data Min. Bioinform.;Int. J. Qantum Chem.;J Biol Syst;J. 
ACM;J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol.;J. Am. Stat. Assoc.;J. Bioinform. C
omput. Biol.;J. Biol. Chem.;J. Biomed. Inform.;J. Cell. Biochem.;J. Ch
em. Inf. Comput. Sci.;J. Chem. Inf. Model.;J. Clin. Oncol.;J. Comput. 
Biol.;J. Comput. Graph. Stat.;J. Eur. Math. Soc.;J. Intell. Inform. Sy
st.;J. Mach. Learn. Res.;J. Med. Chem.;J. Mol. BIol.;J. R. Stat. Soc. 
Ser. B;Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference;Mach. Learn.;Math
. Program.;Meth. Enzymol.;Mol. Biol. Cell;Mol. Biol. Evol.;Mol. Cell. 
Biol.;Mol. Syst. Biol.;N. Engl. J. Med.;Nat. Biotechnol.;Nat. Genet.;N
at. Med.;Nat. Methods;Nat. Rev. Cancer;Nat. Rev. Drug Discov.;Nat. Rev
. Genet.;Nature;Neural Comput.;Neural Network.;Neurocomputing;Nucleic 
Acids Res.;Pattern Anal. Appl.;Pattern Recognit.;Phys. Rev. E;Phys. Re
v. Lett.;PLoS Biology;PLoS Comput. Biol.;Probab. Theory Relat. Fields;
Proc. IEEE;Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA;Protein Eng.;Protein Eng. Des. S
el.;Protein Sci.;Protein. Struct. Funct. Genet.;Random Struct. Algorit
hm.;Rev. Mod. Phys.;Science;Stat. Probab. Lett.;Statistica Sinica;Theo
r. Comput. Sci.;Trans. Am. Math. Soc.;Trends Genet.;}}
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