ProDiGe is an algorithm to automatically rank unknown genes from the most likely to the less likely to be related to a disease of interest, given a list of known genes for the disease or for other related disease.
Getting started
To use ProDiGe you need MATLAB. Donwload the latest version of ProDiGe (link above), untar it and read the README files for information on how to run it.
If we get enough requests to do so, we may set up in the future a web service where you would just have to enter your list of genes or disease and click a button to run ProDiGe...
If you use this package, please cite:
F. Mordelet and J.-P. Vert. ProDiGe: PRioritization Of Disease Genes with multitask machine learning from positive and unlabeled examples. BMC Bioinformatics 2011, 12:389.
For any question contact Fantine Mordelet or Jean-Philippe.Vert