## Practical session: kNN regression ## Jean-Philippe.Vert@mines.org ## ## In this practical session we: ## - implement a simple version of regression with k nearest neighbors (kNN) ## - implement cross-validation for kNN ## - measure the training, test and cross-validation error as a function of k on the prostate cancer dataset ## #################################### ## Functions for k-nearest neighbors #################################### knn <- function(klist,x.train,y.train,x.test) { # k-nearest neighbors classification # # klist is a list of values of k to be tested # x.train, y.train: the training set # x.test: the test set # Output: a matrix of predictions for the test set (one column for each k in klist) # Number of training and test examples n.train <- nrow(x.train) n.test <- nrow(x.test) # Matrix to store predictions p.test <- matrix(NA, n.test, length(klist)) # Vector to store the distances of a point to the training points dsq <- numeric(n.train) # Loop on the test instances for (tst in 1:n.test) { # Compute distances to training instances for (trn in 1:n.train) { dsq[trn] <- sum((x.train[trn,] - x.test[tst,])^2) } # Sort distances from smallest to largest ord <- order(dsq) # Make prediction by averaging the k nearest neighbors for (ik in 1:length(klist)) { p.test[tst,ik] <- mean(y.train[ord[1:klist[ik]]]) } } # Return the matrix of predictions invisible(p.test) } knn.cv <- function(klist,x.train,y.train,nfolds) { # Cross-validation for kNN # # Perform nfolds-cross validation of kNN, for the values of k in klist # Number of instances n.train <- nrow(x.train) # Matrix to store predictions p.cv <- matrix(NA, n.train, length(klist)) # Prepare the folds s <- split(sample(n.train),rep(1:nfolds,length=n.train)) # Cross-validation for (i in seq(nfolds)) { p.cv[s[[i]],] <- knn(klist,x.train[-s[[i]],], y.train[-s[[i]]], x.train[s[[i]],]) } # Return matrix of CV predictions invisible(p.cv) } #################################### ## Apply kNN to prostate data #################################### # Download prostate data con = url ("http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/datasets/prostate.data") prost=read.csv(con,row.names=1,sep="\t") # Alternatively, load the file and read from local file as follows # prost=read.csv('prostate.data.txt',row.names=1,sep="\t") # Create training and test sets x.train <- prost[prost$train,1:8] x.test <- prost[!prost$train,1:8] y.train <- prost[prost$train,9] y.test <- prost[!prost$train,9] # Make predictions by kNN klist <- seq(n.train) # we test all values of k nfolds <- 5 # we make 5-fold cross-validation y.pred.train <- knn(klist,x.train,y.train,x.train) y.pred.test <- knn(klist,x.train,y.train,x.test) y.pred.cv <- knn.cv(klist,x.train,y.train,nfolds) # Compute mean-square error (MSE) mse.train <- apply((y.pred.train - y.train)^2 , 2, mean) mse.test <- apply((y.pred.test - y.test)^2 , 2, mean) mse.cv <- apply((y.pred.cv - y.train)^2 , 2, mean) # Plot MSE as a function of k plot(mse.train , ylim=c(0,2) , type='l' , xlab='k' , ylab='MSE', col=1 , lwd=2) lines(mse.test , col=2 , lwd=2) lines(mse.cv, col=3 , lwd=2) legend("bottomright",legend=c('Train','Test','CV'),text.col=seq(3) , lty=1 , col=seq(3))