
Table of Contents

1 Configure R user library and install packages

The Mines Paristech unix machines have access to R-2.7.1 at /usr/bin/R

We will be using R packages that we will download from CRAN into a personal library that we will create in ~/R/library

Further complicating things is the fact that the Mines computers need to use a proxy to access the web: http://www-proxy.ensmp.fr:8080

However, this should be no problem if you copy and paste the following R code into your ~/.Rprofile

ldir <- "~/R/library"

Then open a terminal, type R, and copy/paste the following lines of code to install the required packages


2 Using R

2.1 Basic usage

The basic idea is that R is a command line interpreter. Write code in a text editor like medit, which is installed by default on the Mines computers and has basic support for syntax highlighting of R code. When you want to execute the R code, you can either copy/paste code into R running in a terminal, or in R do


which will execute all the code in the file my.script.R

To get help, type a ? and then the function name. For example, ?plot shows you the help page for the plot function. Or type help.start() to get a HTML help interface.

At the R command line, you can use TAB completion for variables, functions, and arguments. For example if you forgot the name for reading data, you can just type "read", then TAB twice will give you a list of possible functions. After typing "read.t" TAB will fill in and give you "read.table". Add a parenthesis to make it "read.table(" and hitting TAB twice will show you a list of valid keyword arguments to the read.table function.

Some useful keyboard shortcuts. C-a means hold control and type a. M-f means hold Alt and type f.

C-p or up arrowrecall previous command
C-n or down arrowrecall next command
C-ago to beginning of line
C-ego to end of line
M-fgo forward 1 word
M-bgo backward 1 word
M-ddelete word in front
C-deletedelete word in back
C-kdelete until end of line
C-ypaste deleted word(s)

2.2 Advanced usage

Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) provides a better development environment for R programming. http://ess.r-project.org/index.php?Section=download

To use it on the Mines Paristech unix machines, execute the following code in a terminal to download and setup ESS:

cd ~/R
wget http://ess.r-project.org/downloads/ess/ess-5.13.tgz
tar xf ess-5.13.tgz
cat >> .emacs <<EOF
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/R/ess-5.13/lisp")
(load "ess-site")
(setq ess-eval-visibly-p nil)
(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil)
(require 'ess-eldoc)
(show-paren-mode 1)
wget http://cbio.ensmp.fr/~jvert/svn/tutorials/practical/svmbasic/svmbasic.R
wget http://cbio.ensmp.fr/~jvert/svn/tutorials/practical/svmbasic/general.R

Then you can do open up a new R code file in Emacs from the command line using "emacs svmbasic.R &"

When writing R code from within Emacs you get context-sensitive help. For example, after typing "read.table(" Emacs will display the list of arguments for the read.table function. Additionally, you can use the following keyboard commands to evaluate R code:

C-c C-nSend 1 line of R code
C-c SPACEMark current position
C-c C-nSend code between mark and point
C-c C-lSend entire buffer
C-c TAB or C-c C-iComplete

Furthermore the R from within Emacs buffer has similar shortcuts to R in the terminal, but with the following exceptions:

M-pRecall previous command
M-nRecall next command

Author: Toby Hocking

Org version 7.5 with Emacs version 22

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