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axis and tick API

Classes for the ticks and x and y axis

Axis objects

class matplotlib.axis.Axis(axes, pickradius=15)

Public attributes

  • axes.transData - transform data coords to display coords
  • axes.transAxes - transform axis coords to display coords
  • labelpad - number of points between the axis and its label

Init the axis with the parent Axes instance

class matplotlib.axis.XAxis(axes, pickradius=15)

Init the axis with the parent Axes instance

class matplotlib.axis.YAxis(axes, pickradius=15)

Init the axis with the parent Axes instance

class matplotlib.axis.Ticker
Axis.cla clear the current axis

Formatters and Locators

Axis.get_major_formatter Get the formatter of the major ticker
Axis.get_major_locator Get the locator of the major ticker
Axis.get_minor_formatter Get the formatter of the minor ticker
Axis.get_minor_locator Get the locator of the minor ticker
Axis.set_major_formatter Set the formatter of the major ticker
Axis.set_major_locator Set the locator of the major ticker
Axis.set_minor_formatter Set the formatter of the minor ticker
Axis.set_minor_locator Set the locator of the minor ticker

Axis Label

Axis.set_label_coords Set the coordinates of the label.
Axis.set_label_position Set the label position (top or bottom)
Axis.set_label_text Sets the text value of the axis label
Axis.get_label_position Return the label position (top or bottom)
Axis.get_label_text Get the text of the label

Ticks, tick labels and Offset text

Axis.get_major_ticks get the tick instances; grow as necessary
Axis.get_majorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the major ticklabels
Axis.get_majorticklines Return the major tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
Axis.get_majorticklocs Get the major tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
Axis.get_minor_ticks get the minor tick instances; grow as necessary
Axis.get_minorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the minor ticklabels
Axis.get_minorticklines Return the minor tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
Axis.get_minorticklocs Get the minor tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
Axis.get_offset_text Return the axis offsetText as a Text instance
Axis.get_ticklabels Get the x tick labels as a list of Text instances.
Axis.get_ticklines Return the tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
Axis.get_ticklocs Get the tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
Axis.get_gridlines Return the grid lines as a list of Line2D instance
Axis.grid Set the axis grid on or off; b is a boolean.
Axis.iter_ticks Iterate through all of the major and minor ticks.
Axis.set_tick_params Set appearance parameters for ticks and ticklabels.
Axis.axis_date Sets up x-axis ticks and labels that treat the x data as dates.

Data and view internvals

Axis.get_data_interval return the Interval instance for this axis data limits
Axis.get_view_interval return the Interval instance for this axis view limits
Axis.set_data_interval set the axis data limits

Rendering helpers

Axis.get_tick_space Return the estimated number of ticks that can fit on the axis.
Axis.get_ticklabel_extents Get the extents of the tick labels on either side of the axes.
Axis.get_tightbbox Return a bounding box that encloses the axis.


Axis.get_pickradius Return the depth of the axis used by the picker
Axis.set_pickradius Set the depth of the axis used by the picker


Axis.set_units set the units for axis
Axis.get_units return the units for axis
Axis.update_units introspect data for units converter and update the

Incremental navigation

Axis.pan Pan numsteps (can be positive or negative)
Axis.zoom Zoom in/out on axis; if direction is >0 zoom in, else zoom out

YAxis Specific

YAxis.get_ticks_position Return the ticks position (left, right, both or unknown)
YAxis.set_ticks_position Set the ticks position (left, right, both, default or none) ‘both’ sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not change the tick labels.
YAxis.tick_left use ticks only on left
YAxis.tick_right use ticks only on right

XAxis Specific

XAxis.get_text_heights Returns the amount of space one should reserve for text above and below the axes.
XAxis.get_ticks_position Return the ticks position (top, bottom, default or unknown)
XAxis.set_ticks_position Set the ticks position (top, bottom, both, default or none) both sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not change the tick labels.
XAxis.tick_bottom use ticks only on bottom
XAxis.tick_top use ticks only on top


Axis.set_default_intervals set the default limits for the axis data and view interval if they
Axis.get_smart_bounds get whether the axis has smart bounds
Axis.set_smart_bounds set the axis to have smart bounds


These methods implicitly use FixedLocator and FixedFormatter. They can be convenient, but if not used together may de-couple your tick labels from your data.

Axis.set_ticklabels Set the text values of the tick labels.
Axis.set_ticks Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks

Tick objects

class matplotlib.axis.Tick(axes, loc, label, size=None, width=None, color=None, tickdir=None, pad=None, labelsize=None, labelcolor=None, zorder=None, gridOn=None, tick1On=True, tick2On=True, label1On=True, label2On=False, major=True, labelrotation=0)

Abstract base class for the axis ticks, grid lines and labels

1 refers to the bottom of the plot for xticks and the left for yticks 2 refers to the top of the plot for xticks and the right for yticks

Publicly accessible attributes:

a Line2D instance
a Line2D instance
a Line2D instance
a Text instance
a Text instance
a boolean which determines whether to draw the tickline
a boolean which determines whether to draw the 1st tickline
a boolean which determines whether to draw the 2nd tickline
a boolean which determines whether to draw tick label
a boolean which determines whether to draw tick label

bbox is the Bound2D bounding box in display coords of the Axes loc is the tick location in data coords size is the tick size in points

class matplotlib.axis.XTick(axes, loc, label, size=None, width=None, color=None, tickdir=None, pad=None, labelsize=None, labelcolor=None, zorder=None, gridOn=None, tick1On=True, tick2On=True, label1On=True, label2On=False, major=True, labelrotation=0)

Contains all the Artists needed to make an x tick - the tick line, the label text and the grid line

bbox is the Bound2D bounding box in display coords of the Axes loc is the tick location in data coords size is the tick size in points

class matplotlib.axis.YTick(axes, loc, label, size=None, width=None, color=None, tickdir=None, pad=None, labelsize=None, labelcolor=None, zorder=None, gridOn=None, tick1On=True, tick2On=True, label1On=True, label2On=False, major=True, labelrotation=0)

Contains all the Artists needed to make a Y tick - the tick line, the label text and the grid line

bbox is the Bound2D bounding box in display coords of the Axes loc is the tick location in data coords size is the tick size in points

Tick.apply_tickdir Calculate self._pad and self._tickmarkers
Tick.get_loc Return the tick location (data coords) as a scalar
Tick.get_pad Get the value of the tick label pad in points
Tick.get_tick_padding Get the length of the tick outside of the axes.
Tick.get_view_interval return the view Interval instance for the axis this tick is ticking
Tick.set_label1 Set the text of ticklabel
Tick.set_label2 Set the text of ticklabel2
Tick.set_pad Set the tick label pad in points
Tick.update_position Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc

Common and inherited methods


XTick.get_loc Return the tick location (data coords) as a scalar
XTick.get_pad Get the value of the tick label pad in points
XTick.get_tick_padding Get the length of the tick outside of the axes.
XTick.get_view_interval return the Interval instance for this axis view limits
XTick.set_label1 Set the text of ticklabel
XTick.set_label2 Set the text of ticklabel2
XTick.set_pad Set the tick label pad in points
XTick.update_position Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc


YTick.get_loc Return the tick location (data coords) as a scalar
YTick.get_pad Get the value of the tick label pad in points
YTick.get_tick_padding Get the length of the tick outside of the axes.
YTick.get_view_interval return the Interval instance for this axis view limits
YTick.set_label1 Set the text of ticklabel
YTick.set_label2 Set the text of ticklabel2
YTick.set_pad Set the tick label pad in points
YTick.update_position Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc


YAxis.axis_date Sets up x-axis ticks and labels that treat the x data as dates.
YAxis.cla clear the current axis
YAxis.get_data_interval return the Interval instance for this axis data limits
YAxis.get_gridlines Return the grid lines as a list of Line2D instance
YAxis.get_label_position Return the label position (top or bottom)
YAxis.get_label_text Get the text of the label
YAxis.get_major_formatter Get the formatter of the major ticker
YAxis.get_major_locator Get the locator of the major ticker
YAxis.get_major_ticks get the tick instances; grow as necessary
YAxis.get_majorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the major ticklabels
YAxis.get_majorticklines Return the major tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
YAxis.get_majorticklocs Get the major tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
YAxis.get_minor_formatter Get the formatter of the minor ticker
YAxis.get_minor_locator Get the locator of the minor ticker
YAxis.get_minor_ticks get the minor tick instances; grow as necessary
YAxis.get_minorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the minor ticklabels
YAxis.get_minorticklines Return the minor tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
YAxis.get_minorticklocs Get the minor tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
YAxis.get_offset_text Return the axis offsetText as a Text instance
YAxis.get_pickradius Return the depth of the axis used by the picker
YAxis.get_smart_bounds get whether the axis has smart bounds
YAxis.get_ticklabel_extents Get the extents of the tick labels on either side of the axes.
YAxis.get_ticklabels Get the x tick labels as a list of Text instances.
YAxis.get_ticklines Return the tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
YAxis.get_ticklocs Get the tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
YAxis.get_tightbbox Return a bounding box that encloses the axis.
YAxis.get_units return the units for axis
YAxis.get_view_interval return the Interval instance for this axis view limits
YAxis.grid Set the axis grid on or off; b is a boolean.
YAxis.iter_ticks Iterate through all of the major and minor ticks.
YAxis.pan Pan numsteps (can be positive or negative)
YAxis.set_data_interval set the axis data limits
YAxis.set_default_intervals set the default limits for the axis interval if they are not mutated
YAxis.set_label_coords Set the coordinates of the label.
YAxis.set_label_position Set the label position (left or right)
YAxis.set_label_text Sets the text value of the axis label
YAxis.set_major_formatter Set the formatter of the major ticker
YAxis.set_major_locator Set the locator of the major ticker
YAxis.set_minor_formatter Set the formatter of the minor ticker
YAxis.set_minor_locator Set the locator of the minor ticker
YAxis.set_pickradius Set the depth of the axis used by the picker
YAxis.set_smart_bounds set the axis to have smart bounds
YAxis.set_tick_params Set appearance parameters for ticks and ticklabels.
YAxis.set_ticklabels Set the text values of the tick labels.
YAxis.set_ticks Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks
YAxis.set_units set the units for axis
YAxis.set_view_interval If ignore is False, the order of vmin, vmax does not matter; the original axis orientation will be preserved.
YAxis.update_units introspect data for units converter and update the
YAxis.zoom Zoom in/out on axis; if direction is >0 zoom in, else zoom out


XAxis.axis_date Sets up x-axis ticks and labels that treat the x data as dates.
XAxis.cla clear the current axis
XAxis.get_data_interval return the Interval instance for this axis data limits
XAxis.get_gridlines Return the grid lines as a list of Line2D instance
XAxis.get_label_position Return the label position (top or bottom)
XAxis.get_label_text Get the text of the label
XAxis.get_major_formatter Get the formatter of the major ticker
XAxis.get_major_locator Get the locator of the major ticker
XAxis.get_major_ticks get the tick instances; grow as necessary
XAxis.get_majorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the major ticklabels
XAxis.get_majorticklines Return the major tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
XAxis.get_majorticklocs Get the major tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
XAxis.get_minor_formatter Get the formatter of the minor ticker
XAxis.get_minor_locator Get the locator of the minor ticker
XAxis.get_minor_ticks get the minor tick instances; grow as necessary
XAxis.get_minorticklabels Return a list of Text instances for the minor ticklabels
XAxis.get_minorticklines Return the minor tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
XAxis.get_minorticklocs Get the minor tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
XAxis.get_offset_text Return the axis offsetText as a Text instance
XAxis.get_pickradius Return the depth of the axis used by the picker
XAxis.get_smart_bounds get whether the axis has smart bounds
XAxis.get_ticklabel_extents Get the extents of the tick labels on either side of the axes.
XAxis.get_ticklabels Get the x tick labels as a list of Text instances.
XAxis.get_ticklines Return the tick lines as a list of Line2D instances
XAxis.get_ticklocs Get the tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array
XAxis.get_tightbbox Return a bounding box that encloses the axis.
XAxis.get_units return the units for axis
XAxis.get_view_interval return the Interval instance for this axis view limits
XAxis.grid Set the axis grid on or off; b is a boolean.
XAxis.iter_ticks Iterate through all of the major and minor ticks.
XAxis.pan Pan numsteps (can be positive or negative)
XAxis.set_data_interval set the axis data limits
XAxis.set_default_intervals set the default limits for the axis interval if they are not mutated
XAxis.set_label_coords Set the coordinates of the label.
XAxis.set_label_position Set the label position (top or bottom)
XAxis.set_label_text Sets the text value of the axis label
XAxis.set_major_formatter Set the formatter of the major ticker
XAxis.set_major_locator Set the locator of the major ticker
XAxis.set_minor_formatter Set the formatter of the minor ticker
XAxis.set_minor_locator Set the locator of the minor ticker
XAxis.set_pickradius Set the depth of the axis used by the picker
XAxis.set_smart_bounds set the axis to have smart bounds
XAxis.set_tick_params Set appearance parameters for ticks and ticklabels.
XAxis.set_ticklabels Set the text values of the tick labels.
XAxis.set_ticks Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks
XAxis.set_units set the units for axis
XAxis.set_view_interval If ignore is False, the order of vmin, vmax does not matter; the original axis orientation will be preserved.
XAxis.update_units introspect data for units converter and update the
XAxis.zoom Zoom in/out on axis; if direction is >0 zoom in, else zoom out

Inherited from artist


Tick.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
Tick.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
Tick.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Tick.contains Test whether the mouse event occurred in the Tick marks.
Tick.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
Tick.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
Tick.findobj Find artist objects.
Tick.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
Tick.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
Tick.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
Tick.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
Tick.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
Tick.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Tick.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
Tick.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
Tick.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
Tick.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
Tick.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
Tick.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
Tick.get_gid Returns the group id
Tick.get_label Get the label used for this artist in the legend.
Tick.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Tick.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Tick.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
Tick.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
Tick.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Tick.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
Tick.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
Tick.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Tick.get_transform Return the Transform instance used by this artist.
Tick.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
Tick.get_url Returns the url
Tick.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
Tick.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
Tick.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
Tick.have_units Return True if units are set on the x or y axes
Tick.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
Tick.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
Tick.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
Tick.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Tick.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Tick.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
Tick.pick Process pick event
Tick.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
Tick.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
Tick.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
Tick.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Tick.set A property batch setter.
Tick.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
Tick.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
Tick.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
Tick.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
Tick.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Tick.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
Tick.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
Tick.set_clip_path Set the artist’s clip path, which may be:
Tick.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
Tick.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
Tick.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
Tick.set_label Set the text of ticklabel
Tick.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Tick.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Tick.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
Tick.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
Tick.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
Tick.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Tick.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
Tick.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
Tick.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Tick.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
Tick.set_url Sets the url for the artist
Tick.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
Tick.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
Tick.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
Tick.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Tick.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
Tick.update_from Copy properties from other to self.
XTick.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
XTick.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
XTick.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XTick.contains Test whether the mouse event occurred in the Tick marks.
XTick.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
XTick.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
XTick.findobj Find artist objects.
XTick.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
XTick.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
XTick.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
XTick.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
XTick.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
XTick.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XTick.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
XTick.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
XTick.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
XTick.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
XTick.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
XTick.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
XTick.get_gid Returns the group id
XTick.get_label Get the label used for this artist in the legend.
XTick.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XTick.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XTick.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
XTick.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
XTick.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XTick.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
XTick.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
XTick.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XTick.get_transform Return the Transform instance used by this artist.
XTick.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
XTick.get_url Returns the url
XTick.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
XTick.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
XTick.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
XTick.have_units Return True if units are set on the x or y axes
XTick.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
XTick.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
XTick.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
XTick.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XTick.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XTick.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
XTick.pick Process pick event
XTick.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
XTick.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
XTick.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
XTick.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XTick.set A property batch setter.
XTick.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
XTick.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
XTick.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
XTick.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
XTick.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XTick.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
XTick.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
XTick.set_clip_path Set the artist’s clip path, which may be:
XTick.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
XTick.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
XTick.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
XTick.set_label Set the text of ticklabel
XTick.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XTick.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XTick.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
XTick.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
XTick.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
XTick.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XTick.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
XTick.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
XTick.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XTick.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
XTick.set_url Sets the url for the artist
XTick.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
XTick.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
XTick.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
XTick.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XTick.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
XTick.update_from Copy properties from other to self.
YTick.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
YTick.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
YTick.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YTick.contains Test whether the mouse event occurred in the Tick marks.
YTick.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
YTick.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
YTick.findobj Find artist objects.
YTick.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
YTick.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
YTick.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
YTick.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
YTick.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
YTick.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YTick.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
YTick.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
YTick.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
YTick.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
YTick.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
YTick.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
YTick.get_gid Returns the group id
YTick.get_label Get the label used for this artist in the legend.
YTick.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YTick.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YTick.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
YTick.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
YTick.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YTick.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
YTick.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
YTick.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YTick.get_transform Return the Transform instance used by this artist.
YTick.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
YTick.get_url Returns the url
YTick.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
YTick.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
YTick.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
YTick.have_units Return True if units are set on the x or y axes
YTick.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
YTick.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
YTick.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
YTick.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YTick.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YTick.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
YTick.pick Process pick event
YTick.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
YTick.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
YTick.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
YTick.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YTick.set A property batch setter.
YTick.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
YTick.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
YTick.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
YTick.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
YTick.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YTick.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
YTick.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
YTick.set_clip_path Set the artist’s clip path, which may be:
YTick.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
YTick.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
YTick.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
YTick.set_label Set the text of ticklabel
YTick.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YTick.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YTick.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
YTick.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
YTick.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
YTick.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YTick.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
YTick.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
YTick.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YTick.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
YTick.set_url Sets the url for the artist
YTick.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
YTick.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
YTick.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
YTick.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YTick.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
YTick.update_from Copy properties from other to self.


Axis.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
Axis.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
Axis.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Axis.contains Test whether the artist contains the mouse event.
Axis.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
Axis.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
Axis.draw Draw the axis lines, grid lines, tick lines and labels
Axis.findobj Find artist objects.
Axis.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
Axis.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
Axis.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
Axis.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
Axis.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
Axis.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Axis.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
Axis.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
Axis.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
Axis.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
Axis.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
Axis.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
Axis.get_gid Returns the group id
Axis.get_label Return the axis label as a Text instance
Axis.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Axis.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Axis.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
Axis.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
Axis.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Axis.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
Axis.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
Axis.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Axis.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
Axis.get_url Returns the url
Axis.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
Axis.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
Axis.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
Axis.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
Axis.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
Axis.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
Axis.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Axis.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Axis.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
Axis.pick Process pick event
Axis.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
Axis.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
Axis.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
Axis.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Axis.set A property batch setter.
Axis.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
Axis.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
Axis.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
Axis.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
Axis.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
Axis.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
Axis.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
Axis.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
Axis.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
Axis.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
Axis.set_label Set the label to s for auto legend.
Axis.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
Axis.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
Axis.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
Axis.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
Axis.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
Axis.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
Axis.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
Axis.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
Axis.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Axis.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
Axis.set_url Sets the url for the artist
Axis.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
Axis.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
Axis.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
Axis.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
Axis.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
Axis.update_from Copy properties from other to self.
XAxis.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
XAxis.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
XAxis.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XAxis.contains Test whether the mouse event occured in the x axis.
XAxis.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
XAxis.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
XAxis.draw Draw the axis lines, grid lines, tick lines and labels
XAxis.findobj Find artist objects.
XAxis.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
XAxis.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
XAxis.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
XAxis.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
XAxis.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
XAxis.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XAxis.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
XAxis.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
XAxis.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
XAxis.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
XAxis.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
XAxis.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
XAxis.get_gid Returns the group id
XAxis.get_label Return the axis label as a Text instance
XAxis.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XAxis.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XAxis.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
XAxis.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
XAxis.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XAxis.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
XAxis.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
XAxis.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XAxis.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
XAxis.get_url Returns the url
XAxis.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
XAxis.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
XAxis.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
XAxis.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
XAxis.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
XAxis.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
XAxis.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XAxis.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XAxis.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
XAxis.pick Process pick event
XAxis.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
XAxis.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
XAxis.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
XAxis.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XAxis.set A property batch setter.
XAxis.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
XAxis.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
XAxis.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
XAxis.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
XAxis.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
XAxis.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
XAxis.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
XAxis.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
XAxis.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
XAxis.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
XAxis.set_label Set the label to s for auto legend.
XAxis.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
XAxis.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
XAxis.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
XAxis.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
XAxis.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
XAxis.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
XAxis.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
XAxis.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
XAxis.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XAxis.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
XAxis.set_url Sets the url for the artist
XAxis.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
XAxis.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
XAxis.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
XAxis.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
XAxis.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
XAxis.update_from Copy properties from other to self.
YAxis.add_callback Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of the Artist‘s properties changes.
YAxis.axes The Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
YAxis.bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YAxis.contains Test whether the mouse event occurred in the y axis.
YAxis.convert_xunits For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
YAxis.convert_yunits For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
YAxis.draw Draw the axis lines, grid lines, tick lines and labels
YAxis.findobj Find artist objects.
YAxis.format_cursor_data Return cursor data string formatted.
YAxis.get_agg_filter return filter function to be used for agg filter
YAxis.get_alpha Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
YAxis.get_animated Return the artist’s animated state
YAxis.get_axes Return the Axes instance the artist resides in, or None.
YAxis.get_bottom_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YAxis.get_clip_box Return artist clipbox
YAxis.get_clip_on Return whether artist uses clipping
YAxis.get_clip_path Return artist clip path
YAxis.get_contains Return the _contains test used by the artist, or None for default.
YAxis.get_cursor_data Get the cursor data for a given event.
YAxis.get_figure Return the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
YAxis.get_gid Returns the group id
YAxis.get_label Return the axis label as a Text instance
YAxis.get_left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YAxis.get_margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YAxis.get_picker Return the picker object used by this artist
YAxis.get_rasterized return True if the artist is to be rasterized
YAxis.get_right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YAxis.get_sketch_params Returns the sketch parameters for the artist.
YAxis.get_snap Returns the snap setting which may be:
YAxis.get_top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YAxis.get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its transformation.
YAxis.get_url Returns the url
YAxis.get_visible Return the artist’s visiblity
YAxis.get_window_extent Get the axes bounding box in display space.
YAxis.get_zorder Return the Artist‘s zorder.
YAxis.hitlist List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event event.
YAxis.is_figure_set Returns True if the artist is assigned to a Figure.
YAxis.is_transform_set Returns True if Artist has a transform explicitly set.
YAxis.left_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YAxis.margins Returns a dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YAxis.pchanged Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the registered callbacks.
YAxis.pick Process pick event
YAxis.pickable Return True if Artist is pickable. return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
YAxis.remove Remove the artist from the figure if possible.
YAxis.remove_callback Remove a callback based on its id.
YAxis.right_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YAxis.set A property batch setter.
YAxis.set_agg_filter set agg_filter fuction.
YAxis.set_alpha Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all backends.
YAxis.set_animated Set the artist’s animation state.
YAxis.set_axes Set the Axes instance in which the artist resides, if any.
YAxis.set_bottom_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the bottom of the Artist.
YAxis.set_clip_box Set the artist’s clip Bbox.
YAxis.set_clip_on Set whether artist uses clipping.
YAxis.set_contains Replace the contains test used by this artist.
YAxis.set_figure Set the Figure instance the artist belongs to.
YAxis.set_gid Sets the (group) id for the artist
YAxis.set_label Set the label to s for auto legend.
YAxis.set_left_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the left of the Artist.
YAxis.set_margins Set the dictionary describing whether a margin should be applied on each of the sides (top, bottom, left and right).
YAxis.set_path_effects set path_effects, which should be a list of instances of
YAxis.set_picker Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
YAxis.set_rasterized Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
YAxis.set_right_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the right of the Artist.
YAxis.set_sketch_params Sets the sketch parameters.
YAxis.set_snap Sets the snap setting which may be:
YAxis.set_top_margin Set whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YAxis.set_transform Set the Transform instance used by this artist.
YAxis.set_url Sets the url for the artist
YAxis.set_visible Set the artist’s visiblity.
YAxis.set_zorder Set the zorder for the artist.
YAxis.stale If the artist is ‘stale’ and needs to be re-drawn for the output to match the internal state of the artist.
YAxis.top_margin Get whether a margin should be applied to the top of the Artist.
YAxis.update Update the properties of this Artist from the dictionary prop.
YAxis.update_from Copy properties from other to self.