import itertools from collections import OrderedDict from functools import partial import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker from cycler import cycler from six.moves import zip def filled_hist(ax, edges, values, bottoms=None, orientation='v', **kwargs): """ Draw a histogram as a stepped patch. Extra kwargs are passed through to `fill_between` Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes to plot to edges : array A length n+1 array giving the left edges of each bin and the right edge of the last bin. values : array A length n array of bin counts or values bottoms : scalar or array, optional A length n array of the bottom of the bars. If None, zero is used. orientation : {'v', 'h'} Orientation of the histogram. 'v' (default) has the bars increasing in the positive y-direction. Returns ------- ret : PolyCollection Artist added to the Axes """ print(orientation) if orientation not in set('hv'): raise ValueError("orientation must be in {{'h', 'v'}} " "not {o}".format(o=orientation)) kwargs.setdefault('step', 'post') edges = np.asarray(edges) values = np.asarray(values) if len(edges) - 1 != len(values): raise ValueError('Must provide one more bin edge than value not: ' 'len(edges): {lb} len(values): {lv}'.format( lb=len(edges), lv=len(values))) if bottoms is None: bottoms = np.zeros_like(values) if np.isscalar(bottoms): bottoms = np.ones_like(values) * bottoms values = np.r_[values, values[-1]] bottoms = np.r_[bottoms, bottoms[-1]] if orientation == 'h': return ax.fill_betweenx(edges, values, bottoms, left_margin=False, **kwargs) elif orientation == 'v': return ax.fill_between(edges, values, bottoms, bottom_margin=False, **kwargs) else: raise AssertionError("you should never be here") def stack_hist(ax, stacked_data, sty_cycle, bottoms=None, hist_func=None, labels=None, plot_func=None, plot_kwargs=None): """ ax : axes.Axes The axes to add artists too stacked_data : array or Mapping A (N, M) shaped array. The first dimension will be iterated over to compute histograms row-wise sty_cycle : Cycler or operable of dict Style to apply to each set bottoms : array, optional The initial positions of the bottoms, defaults to 0 hist_func : callable, optional Must have signature `bin_vals, bin_edges = f(data)`. `bin_edges` expected to be one longer than `bin_vals` labels : list of str, optional The label for each set. If not given and stacked data is an array defaults to 'default set {n}' If stacked_data is a mapping, and labels is None, default to the keys (which may come out in a random order). If stacked_data is a mapping and labels is given then only the columns listed by be plotted. plot_func : callable, optional Function to call to draw the histogram must have signature: ret = plot_func(ax, edges, top, bottoms=bottoms, label=label, **kwargs) plot_kwargs : dict, optional Any extra kwargs to pass through to the plotting function. This will be the same for all calls to the plotting function and will over-ride the values in cycle. Returns ------- arts : dict Dictionary of artists keyed on their labels """ # deal with default binning function if hist_func is None: hist_func = np.histogram # deal with default plotting function if plot_func is None: plot_func = filled_hist # deal with default if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = {} print(plot_kwargs) try: l_keys = stacked_data.keys() label_data = True if labels is None: labels = l_keys except AttributeError: label_data = False if labels is None: labels = itertools.repeat(None) if label_data: loop_iter = enumerate((stacked_data[lab], lab, s) for lab, s in zip(labels, sty_cycle)) else: loop_iter = enumerate(zip(stacked_data, labels, sty_cycle)) arts = {} for j, (data, label, sty) in loop_iter: if label is None: label = 'dflt set {n}'.format(n=j) label = sty.pop('label', label) vals, edges = hist_func(data) if bottoms is None: bottoms = np.zeros_like(vals) top = bottoms + vals print(sty) sty.update(plot_kwargs) print(sty) ret = plot_func(ax, edges, top, bottoms=bottoms, label=label, **sty) bottoms = top arts[label] = ret ax.legend(fontsize=10) return arts # set up histogram function to fixed bins edges = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20, endpoint=True) hist_func = partial(np.histogram, bins=edges) # set up style cycles color_cycle = cycler(facecolor=plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'][:4]) label_cycle = cycler('label', ['set {n}'.format(n=n) for n in range(4)]) hatch_cycle = cycler('hatch', ['/', '*', '+', '|']) # make some synthetic data np.random.seed(0) stack_data = np.random.randn(4, 12250) dict_data = OrderedDict(zip((c['label'] for c in label_cycle), stack_data)) # work with plain arrays fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4.5), tight_layout=True) arts = stack_hist(ax1, stack_data, color_cycle + label_cycle + hatch_cycle, hist_func=hist_func) arts = stack_hist(ax2, stack_data, color_cycle, hist_func=hist_func, plot_kwargs=dict(edgecolor='w', orientation='h')) ax1.set_ylabel('counts') ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax2.set_xlabel('counts') ax2.set_ylabel('x') # work with labeled data fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4.5), tight_layout=True, sharey=True) arts = stack_hist(ax1, dict_data, color_cycle + hatch_cycle, hist_func=hist_func) arts = stack_hist(ax2, dict_data, color_cycle + hatch_cycle, hist_func=hist_func, labels=['set 0', 'set 3']) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(5)) ax1.set_xlabel('counts') ax1.set_ylabel('x') ax2.set_ylabel('x')