""" matplotlib supports accented characters via TeX mathtext The following accents are provided: \hat, \breve, \grave, \bar, \acute, \tilde, \vec, \dot, \ddot. All of them have the same syntax, e.g., to make an overbar you do \bar{o} or to make an o umlaut you do \ddot{o}. The shortcuts are also provided, e.g.,: \"o \'e \`e \~n \.x \^y """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.75]) plt.plot(range(10)) plt.title(r'$\ddot{o}\acute{e}\grave{e}\hat{O}\breve{i}\bar{A}\tilde{n}\vec{q}$', fontsize=20) # shorthand is also supported and curly's are optional plt.xlabel(r"""$\"o\ddot o \'e\`e\~n\.x\^y$""", fontsize=20) plt.show()