""" Test unit support with each of the matplotlib primitive artist types The axes handles unit conversions and the artists keep a pointer to their axes parent, so you must init the artists with the axes instance if you want to initialize them with unit data, or else they will not know how to convert the units to scalars """ import random import matplotlib.lines as lines import matplotlib.patches as patches import matplotlib.text as text import matplotlib.collections as collections from basic_units import cm, inch import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.set_units(cm) ax.yaxis.set_units(cm) if 0: # test a line collection # Not supported at present. verts = [] for i in range(10): # a random line segment in inches verts.append(zip(*inch*10*np.random.rand(2, random.randint(2, 15)))) lc = collections.LineCollection(verts, axes=ax) ax.add_collection(lc) # test a plain-ol-line line = lines.Line2D([0*cm, 1.5*cm], [0*cm, 2.5*cm], lw=2, color='black', axes=ax) ax.add_line(line) if 0: # test a patch # Not supported at present. rect = patches.Rectangle((1*cm, 1*cm), width=5*cm, height=2*cm, alpha=0.2, axes=ax) ax.add_patch(rect) t = text.Text(3*cm, 2.5*cm, 'text label', ha='left', va='bottom', axes=ax) ax.add_artist(t) ax.set_xlim(-1*cm, 10*cm) ax.set_ylim(-1*cm, 10*cm) #ax.xaxis.set_units(inch) ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("Artists with units") plt.show()