Doctest Mode
The code-examples in the above tutorials are written in a python-console format. If you wish to easily execute these examples in IPython, use:
in the IPython-console. You can then simply copy and paste the examples directly into IPython without having to worry about removing the >>> manually.
is a python package that contains normalization techniques for Hi-C data.
It is included in the HiC-pro pipeline, that processes data from raw fastq
files to normalized contact maps. Eventually, iced
grew bigger than just being a
normalization packages, and contains a number of utilities functions that may
be useful if you are analyzing and processing Hi-C data.
If you use iced
, please cite:
HiC-Pro: An optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C processing. Servant N., Varoquaux N., Lajoie BR., Viara E., Chen CJ., Vert JP., Dekker J., Heard E., Barillot E. Genome Biology 2015, 16:259 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0831-x
Hi-C data boils down to a matrix of contact counts. Each row and columns
corresponds to a genomic window, and each entry to the number of times these
genomic windows have been observed to interact with one another. Python
happens to be an excellent language to manipulate matrices, and iced
leverages a number of scientific packages that provides nice and easy-to-use
matrix operation.
If you are not familiar with numpy and python, we strongly encourage to follow the short tutorial of the scipy lecture notes
comes with a sample data set that allows you to play a bit with the
package. The sample data set included corresponds to the first 5 chromosomes
of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. In the following, we start a Python or
IPython interpreter from our shell and load this data set. Our notational
convention is that $
denotes the shell prompt while >>>
denotes the
Python interpreter prompt:
$ python
>>> from iced import datasets
>>> counts, lengths = datasets.load_sample_yeast()
A data set in iced
is composed of an N by N numpy.ndarray counts
and a
vector of lengths
that contains the number of bins per chromosomes. For
our sample data, the vector lengths
is an ndarray of length 5, underlying
we have here 5 chromosomes:
>>> print(len(lengths))
The contact map counts
should be squared and symmetric. The shape should
also match the lengths vector:
>>> print(counts.shape)
(350, 350)
>>> print(lengths.sum())
The counts
matrix is here of size 350 by 350.
You’ve successfully loaded your first Hi-C data! The corresponding image is the following.
Now that we have some data loaded, let’s proceed to normalizing it. There are two normalization algorithms implemented in iced: ICE and SCN. ICE is the most widely used normalization technique on Hi-C data, so this is the one we will showcase.
ICE is based on a matrix balancing algorithm. The underlying assumptions are
that the contact map suffers from biases that can be decomposable as a product
of regionale biases: , where
is the raw contact counts between loci
the normalized contact counts, and
the bias
Normalizing the data is as simple as follows
>>> from iced import normalization
>>> normed = normalization.ICE_normalization(counts)
But the estimation of the bias vector can be severely problematic in low coverage regions. In fact, if the matrix is too sparse, the algorithm may not converge at all! To avoid this, Imakaev et al recommend filtering out a certain percentage of rows and columns that interact the least. This has to be performed prior to applying the normalization algorithm:
>>> from iced import filter
>>> counts = filter.filter_low_counts(counts, percentage=0.04)
>>> normed = normalization.ICE_normalization(counts)
The last section discusses normalizing Hi-C data using ICE. This method is not adapted to normalize cancer data sets: several of the assumptions made do not hold in the presence of copy number variation.
proposes two methods for normalizing data sets with copy number
, to preserve enrichment in interactions due to copy number
to remove copy number variation effects in the contact count matrix.Two examples are available in the gallery, showcasing how to use LOIC
and CAIC
with ice