


9h-10hBernhard SchoelkopfTutorial: introduction to kernel methods (slides in PDF (1.3 Mo) or PS.GZ (650 Ko)
10h-10h40William NobleSupport vector machine evaluation of peptide identification via mass spectrometry (abstract, slides)


11h-11h40Christina LeslieNew String Kernels for Biological Sequence Data (abstract, slides)
11h40-12hYoshihiro YamanishiGeneralized kernel canonical correlation analysis for multiple genomic data (abstract)
12h-12h40Alex SmolaFast string kernels (abstract, slides)
12h40-13hFlash PresentationsMarco Cuturi: Deriving a string kernel form text compression tools, the context tree weighting algorithm revisited
Tor Fla: Discussion of discrimination of protein sequences by datadriven kernels
Heyjin Kim: Subtype classification of human breast cancer via kernel methods and pattern analysis of clinical outcome over the feature space
Balaji Krishnapuram: Joint classifier and kernel design
Hiroto Saigo: Protein homology detection using sequence alignment and support vector machines

Lunch and poster session

14h30-15h10Vladimir VapnikWhat is important in empirical inference
15h10-15h50Chris WatkinsOptimal Encoding of Genomic Information (abstract, slides)
15h50-16h10Josef HochreiterGene selection on micro array data through support vector machines


16h30-17h10Yann GuermeurA hybrid kernel machine for protein secondary structure prediction (abstract, slides)
17h10-17h30Koji TsudaMarginalized kernels between labeled graphs (abstract)
17h30-18h10Risi KondorDiffusion and other kernels on graphs (abstract, slides)
18h10-18h30Gert LanckrietFusing Heterogeneous Data Sources in Bioinformatics: A Combination of Kernels for Membrane Protein Identification in Yeast (abstract)

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Last modified: Tue Apr 22 10:10:52 CEST 2003